Tampa Bay Scientist-Educator Network

Our Project

Bringing local experts directly to Tampa Bay public schools to give environmentally-focused presentations

Eckerd College was awarded a Mini-Grant from Tampa Bay Estuary Program to facilitate environmental education in Tampa Bay public schools. The Mini-Grant enabled students at Eckerd College to develop a network that would connect research scientists with public school teachers in order to increase Tampa Bay based environmental content in the classroom.

The network will be comprised of volunteer experts from local institutions. By fall 2020, teachers in St. Petersburg area schools will have access to the growing database and can call upon local scientific experts to enhance learning experiences by providing first-hand accounts of Tampa Bay function and health.

The goal of the network is to educate public school students about the Tampa Bay Estuary and to encourage an active role in protecting our local waters.

Interested in joining the Tampa Bay Scientist-Educator Network? This page provides more details about the network and how to sign up.

Click the link above to request a research scientist to present in your classroom.

Want to bring plastic waste education into your classroom? This page holds a 24 week curriculum that will be sure to educate and inspire change.

To learn more about the TBSEN Team and how to contact us, click the link above.

This page contains a list of ways you, your family, and your school can decrease their plastic waste.