Single-Use Plastic Curriculum 

About the Single-Use Plastic Curriculum:

The convenience of single-use plastics has led to an increase in their consumption. Plastic water bottles, silverware, straws, and cups fill our oceans and cause a variety of problems. The plastics curriculum was developed for Midtown Academy’s SEM cluster to explore plastic usage and plastic waste in Tampa Bay. 

Throughout the course students learn about plastic waste in the Tampa Bay Estuary, its impacts, and how their plastic usage contributes to the problem. Students will become aware of their plastic waste by completing plastic usage diaries, alternative usage diaries, and a campus wide plastic audit. Students will also gain vital practice in data collection and data analysis with the plastic usage assignments. After becoming aware of their personal plastic usage, they will explore how complex removing plastic from the ocean can be and connect the decrease in plastic waste is the only long term solution. Students will be challenged to change their habits to decrease their plastic waste and by the end of the course they will be able to apply the knowledge they’ve learned to encourage change in their families’ and peers’ habits. The curriculum was designed for elementary school students, but with simple modifications the curriculum can be used for any grade level. 

Single-Use Plastic Curriculum lesson plans are linked here